Category Archives: Herramientas de evaluación

Herramientas de supervisión.

Archivos con herramientas de supervisión.

A lot of modules have been produced. Now it is time to try them out. Therefore you can find in our website some files with monitoring tools.

DOWNLOAD: Feedback from lesson delivery
DOWNLOAD: Lesson delivery
DOWNLOAD: Module planning
DOWNLOAD: Teaching observation






Evaluation of learning modules

Evaluation concepts and practices for LLL teachers/service developers

DOWNLOAD: Evaluation concepts and practices



DOWNLOAD: student self evaluation
DOWNLOAD: assessment form for group processes
DOWNLOAD: teacher_self_evaluation
DOWNLOAD: global rubrics revro
DOWNLOAD: rubrics for experimental studies revro
DOWNLOAD: rubrics written mg


Teacher self-evaluation questionnaire

Teacher self-evaluation questionnaire

 DOWNLOAD:  Teacher self-evaluation questionnaire

Teacher questionnaire

Teacher questionnaire

 DOWNLOAD:  Teacher questionnaire

Student questionnaire

Student questionnaire

 DOWNLOAD: Student questionnaire

Assessment tools

Assessment tools revised and approved

 DOWNLOAD: Example of assessment
 DOWNLOAD: Assessment to do list
 DOWNLOAD: Assessment analytic grid