Category Archives: Neu

L`Entreprise responsable en Europe

Visite de travail 

Dans la période du 7 au 12 mai, un groupe de 12 élèves du Lycée Professionnel d’économie”G.S.Rakovsky” de Yambol, Bulgarie, ont participé à la deuxième visite de travail à Ahaus, Allemagne. Une coopération triannuelle, fructueuse et réussie, dans la plateforme européenne etwinning s’est transformée en un projet pertinent du programme Coménius, intitulé “L’Entreprise responsable en Europe”. Durant des mois, en collaboration avec les équipes françaises, allemandes, espagnoles, italiennes et roumaines, les élèves du LPE ont étudié et analysé des entreprises différentes d’après des critères établis préalablement par eux-memes notamment: produits, ressources et matières; dynamisme économique; environnement et bien-etre des salariés. Les entreprises concernées étaient des hypermarchés, banques, sociétés et compagnies de différents secteurs de l’économie dans les pays partenaires. A part le profit professionnel et l’expérience acquise pendant le séjour à Ahaus, les futurs managers ont crée beaucoup de connaissances, ont appliqué des compétences en deux langues: français et anglais, ont appris des mots et expressions en allemand, ont profité de l’accueil hospitalier de leurs hotes. Les balades à Munster et à Cologne ont ajouté du coloris à l’image d’une autre culture et mode de vie.

Competenze e certificazioni nell’internazionalizzazione dei curricoli

Seminar. T. E. “ENRICO TOSI” BUSTO ARSIZIO (VA)_23 April 2012

T. E. “ENRICO TOSI” BUSTO ARSIZIO (VA)_23 April 2012 Competenze e certificazioni nell’internazionalizzazione dei curricoli 23 aprile 2012 Busto Arsizio (VA) Viale Stelvio, 173Ore 14.30-15.30 In particolare: Le esperienze CLIL nella scuola Dalla prima alla quinta con moduli CLIL: ITC Tosi di Busto Arsizio Lavorare in rete per la formazione docenti: RETE CLIL Friuli-Venezia Giulia AE-CLIL: un progetto europeo sulla valutazione Tel.: 0331-372011Iscrizioni sul sito

Seminar Agenda


Event – “Manager for a one day”

Participation of seven students from High school of economics “Georgi Rakovsky” Yambol

High school of economics “Georgi Rakovsky” Yambol and its participation in the “Manager for a Day 2012″ “Manager for a Day” is among the most popular initiatives of Junior Achievement Bulgaria. It is held annually in over 100 countries worldwide. It always includes both senior leadersand managers approved by all spheres of business and public life. This year the event took place on March 19, 2012 in hotel “Kempinski Zografski” in Sofia. It was attended by seven students from our school. Five of them were allocated to jobs in other district municipalities of the capital. The other two listened to the secrets of senior financial management in the Ministry of Finance. The event will leave a lasting impression in the minds of seven students from PGI, because even if only for a day, they are drowned in the depths of another world-the world of management.

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Article in the local newspaper

Students celebrated the anniversary of the Central Bulgarian Bank and elaborated a panel

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Follow-up CLIL Through CLIL

follow-up training activity for the teachers who attended the CLIL Through CLIL workshop on March 11

On the 11th of January 2012, the Romanian RWCT Association will deliver (within the second implementation of the CLIL modules) a follow-up training activity for the teachers who attended the in-service teacher training CLIL Through CLIL in March 2011. The follow-up workshop will be held in Cluj-Napoca, Romania. 


training activity delivered by the RO RWCT Association, 9th – 10th 2012 in Cluj-Napoca, Romania

Within the second implementation of the CLIL modules, on 9-10 January 2012, the Romanian RWCT Association will deliver the in-service teacher training module CLIL Through CLIL. 

Formazione CLIL e progetti europei-ITIS Cardano 20th Dec 2011

Seminar – European projects on CLIL


Martedì 20 dicembre

Aula Magna ITIS “Cardano”” Via Verdi 19 – Pavia


  • Ore 15.30  Introduzione ai lavori - Alberto Henin Dirigente ITIS “Cardano”
  • Ore 15.40 Inizio Lavori  Coordina Fabrizio Maggi (Coordinatore Rete CLIL)
  • Ore 15,45: Silvia Minardi (Segretaria Nazionale Lend) I Progetti Europei, una opportunità per i Docenti CLIL
  • Ore 16.00 Eleonora Salvadori (Formatrice ed esperta) Risposte alle 10 domande più comuni
  • Ore 16.30  Lucia Alberti (Coordinatore AECLIL) Il Progetto europeo AECLIL
  • Ora 16. 45  Discussione
  • Ore 17.15. Danilo Delpio (UST Pavia) Conclusioni
  • Ore 17.30 Termine lavori


II Congreso Internaciónal de Enseñza Bilingüe en centros Educativos. Madrid 20-22 October 2011

I will present a paper on our poject at this Conference.    Fabrizio

The conference programme

CLIL Conference in Utrecht, NL, 19 -21 April 2012

CLIL Conference organized by the CCN

CLIL 2012: From Practice to Visions

CLIL 2012: From practice to visions brings together CLIL teachers, researchers and teacher educators to share knowledge, insights and experiences. The conference is the follow-up to the 2010 Eichstätt Conference: In pursuit of excellence.

CLIL 2012 takes place in the Netherlands and is hosted by the University of Utrecht. The conference is organised by the European Platform, the Dutch Network of Bilingual Schools, CCN and a consortium of Dutch CLIL experts from the Centre of Teaching and Learning (Utrecht University), ICLON (Leiden University), and the University of Applied Sciences in Amsterdam.

Open classes

General subjects in foreign languages

From 2 to 13th May within the etwinning Week Comenius in the Vocational Secondary School of Economics were organized and presented in open classes general subjects in foreign languages.